Ubuntu 16.04 headless server with root ssh access
Hi, I have a question:
Is there a way to start over with certbot?
I installed my certificate somehow in the beginning, don't remember how to be honest. I didn't have nginx working yet and just tried to get a certificate to get nginx working. It was a bit of a "quick and dirty" action.
certbot --nginx
works fine. I did let certbot do changes to my nginx configuration.
but somehow
sudo certbot renew --dry-run
doesn't run through.
I do not really want to fix this specific issue but to "start over".
Is there a way to start over, from the beginning with certbot.
Certbot works fine on all my other servers and I just must have messed up this one.
I am really sorry if I am not posting my domain name here. I just don't want it linked to any forum.
I hope it's ok as I consider this a more generic question.
Greetings, Chris