Error issuing certificate


My domain is:

Today I decided to move my wordpress site to a new domain. Some of the customization wasn’t there after the transfer so I thought it was because of the missing https of the new domain. So, I hoped on cpanel and ran Let’s Encrypt SSL and tried issuing a certificate.

This is what happened:

There was a problem processing your request

Will grealy appreciate your help.



How did you request the certificate?
Did you use the plugin? (Let’s Encrypt SSL) or (SSL/TLS Status)?

Thank you

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Thank you for responding.

I used the plugin Let’'s Encrypt SSL found in cPanel.


It seems that there are a part of the token file name missing…

Are you the owner of the server? (cPanel / WHM installation root user)?

Thank you

I don’t seem to understand your question. The hosting is mine if this is what you mean.

Hi @stevenzhu

Len('-NexebQThCz9ZuILk56RTg6EYARnKr3KJ1yPJM7mcF8') = 43 chars - this is the length of a token. So it looks good.

Hi @georgik

did you use cPanel with your older server? Or did you use another client (like certbot).

Perhaps there is a wrong redirect, so


is redirected. If you use the same redirect in your new environment, that may not work.

To test, create a file (file name 1234) in /.well-known/acme-challenge/ and test, if you can fetch this file via

This strangeness is due to a bug in Boulder that was fixed two days ago. However, it would not have affected the outcome of your issuance request, so it can be disregarded.

Manually creating this file and seeing whether you can access it in a browser is definitely a good idea, it will help determine what the issue is.

At the moment the challenge is being placed in the domain's document root but it isn't accessible in a browser. You might need to ask your host about it as they appear to have a few extra customizations in their cPanel that could potentially be interfering.

Uploaded a text file with that name. Cannot be fetched...

Earlier I had a really bad headache as moving the site didn't go as planned. Big part of the customization was omitted on the new domain. I was ready to give up after trying all night to make it work and got it to work just before bed.

Hopefully, tomorrow this issue will too be resolved...

Then please share your nginx - configuration. One thing is curious:

There is a http status 404:

But checking direct:

download -h
Error (1): Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (404) Nicht gefunden.
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 162
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 10:52:19 GMT
Server: ws-httpd

Status: 404 NotFound

there is a "ws-httpd" - server. Is there another webserver - software?

Checking your root:

download -h
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding,Cookie,User-Agent
Pragma: public
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 121915
Cache-Control: max-age=0, public, public
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 10:54:15 GMT
Expires: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 10:54:15 GMT
ETag: "1dc3b-576d74e5fa74f"
Last-Modified: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 09:53:08 GMT
Server: ws-httpd
X-Powered-By: W3 Total Cache/0.9.7

Status: 200 OK

The same Server "ws-httpd". And a Vary - argument "User-Agent". Is this an additional program which blocks or redirects Letsencrypt?


Tried installing Let’s Encrypt SSL again through cPanel today and it worked! Here’s how the sucess message looked like:

I’ve no idea what does that mean :confused:

Yep, your works. But you have mixed content warnings you should fix. Content is loaded via http, not https.

Use Chrome / Firefox, then Ctrl + Shift + I, that opens the console. There you see the files.


I don't understand that. - there I can't find a CNAME. Same with

But it works! :smile:

Because that's a addon domain for cPanel, it would create a not existed subdomain on your main (account) domain.

You could simply ignore it.
(Or try to remove it from your DNS)

Thank you

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