Will the Testflume service disruption prevent me from getting certificates?

Hi Team
last 19th march testflume.ct.letsencrypt.org (Testing) logs was down and still its down, if its continuing down so how we can generate new SSL? if yes please guide us.

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Hi there,

Testflume is a separate (and testing only) service, so its unavailability won’t keep you from requesting and getting certificates.


I think that some clients do a check of the status page before attempting to issue requests to Let's Encrypt's API at all, but aren't checking which service on that page is listed as being down. So I think some clients haven't been able to issue for almost a month. Or at least I have vague memories of seeing people posting about having problems here over the past month with that being the root cause.

Now, it's quite reasonable to say that such clients are being buggy, but it might be nice to know the ETA of a fix, for people in that situation to know if it'll be worth the effort to try to migrate to another client if possible.

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I know that Let's Debug has been continually reporting Let's Encrypt as "Not Operational".

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Hi James
Thanks for guide me,
but I have one question only. if Testflume is a separate for testing only then why your API shown as down at Let's Encrypt Status. Check if Let's Encrypt is down or having problems. | StatusGator please advise us whats a better solution.

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This is the accurate status page:


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Quite simple: StatusGator is buggy and isn't reliable, at least for Let's Encrypt.

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Hi Team I had try to genrate SSL 10 Min before through letsencrypt on Domain www.rossobrunello.co.in/ but still SSL not genrated. Please Guide.

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How did you try to generate it? (certbot, acme.sh, AutoSSL, ?)

If you're having trouble, you might want to make a new post in the "Help" category and be sure to fill out the questionnaire that shows up when you do so. It's highly unlikely to be related to anything with the Let's Encrypt status page.

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Yes sir Acme.sh through https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/

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Please follow @petercooperjr's advice directly above your last post. It will expedite things tremendously.

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