Ongoing Maintenance


I am just curious if there is any blog post regarding the ongoing maintenance or if there is an ETA for when it will be complete?


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Hi @scr1ptk1tt13

please check

Then you see.

You shouldn't be affected.

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Hi! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your response. They were using an older LE library, it seems. An update resolved my client's issue, which was (for informational purposes) being reported as follows:

The current status as reported by the Let's Encrypt status page is Service Disruption as at 2021-04-26 05:38:07.339 +0000 UTC. Depending on the reported problem, this may affect certificate issuance. For more information, please visit the status page.

Thanks again!

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That was a valid question, though, about where the planned maintenance is announced? says that the service really is down:

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The only services that are down are

  1. The Testflume Certificate Transparency system, which is only used by test systems.
  2. The ACME v1 API, which is only used by old ACME clients and that old version of the API is going away.

Normal certificate issuance should work fine, though there do seem to be some ACME clients out there that are "smart" enough to check the status info, but not smart enough to check which services are down, and so are giving their users errors when in fact everything would work if they just tried. But if you're having some specific problem, you should make a thread about the specific problem you're facing, and especially include how you're trying to get the certificate and what error messages you see.


Probably it was this morning's database maintenance. You can subscribe to maintenance notifications via the [Subscribe] button on, or if you'd rather just monitor @letsencrypt_ops on Twitter you can do that. posts to Twitter (there), an RSS feed (without filtering, sadly), Slack, and sends emails.


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