SSL for free site doesn't work

I have a question. When I click to “renew”, next page loads a lot of time, but after 10-12 seconds I have error about 10 registrations per 3 hours. I cant understand, why I can’t create new certificate. Yesterday I have tried. It was too.
Right now I have tried. Site doesn’t work

My domain is:
My web server is (include version): Apache2
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Raspbian
My hosting provider, if applicable, is:

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Hi @lonagi

you are the third user today with that problem.

But it's not a Letsencrypt problem. It's a problem of that tool. So ask there.

Perhaps select your own client

then use this client local. Then you are not affected with such problems.

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Hi @lonagi,

Please see the following thread for more information. SSL For Free hitting rate limits


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