Worries with an SSL certificate

Hello, I had to change the server several times for my web project except that I reached a limit. Is there a solution?

Yes, wait a few days.

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The immediate solution, as noted, is to wait for the limit to expire. The long-term solution is to use the staging environment, not the production environment, for testing.


Thank you for your feedback, except the limit is how much for this kind of problem


Hi @drhouse33, your image didn't make it through onto the forum.

Did you read the linked "Rate Limits" page and try to find the text corresponding to your error?

If you hit a limit by destroying and recreating server instances, the likeliest limit is the Duplicate Certificates limit, which will reset after 7 days.

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it's error: "Error: Unable to issue SSL / TLS Let's Encrypt certificate for scripts-webmasters.net

One of the Let's Encrypt limits was exceeded for scripts-webmasters.net.
See the Knowledge Base article to learn more.
Invalid response from https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-order.
Type: urn: ietf: params: acme: error: rateLimited
Status: 429
Detail: Error creating a new order :: too many certificates (5) already issued for this exact set of domains in the last 168 hours: *"

Yep, that is the duplicate certificate limit and will reset in 168 hours (7 days).

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Or use one of the certificates previously issued. You should be able to fetch them from the previous servers.

Also, please experiment only on the staging environment.


How do you manage to use the old certificate?


Boot up the old server and copy the certificate and private key over securely to your current server? Or use one of your backups.

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