SSL For Free hitting rate limits

I’ve seen a bunch of threads about SSL For Free users hitting rate limits. I tested the site myself, and it seems to get caught in a reload loop, where each reload creates a new account, eventually hitting the rate limit.

I suspect this may be a bug in SSL For Free triggered by our rollout of ACME v2 - Scheduled removal of ID from account objects on Thursday. We’re going to revert that change temporarily. I’ve also emailed SSL For Free informing them of the problem and requesting a fix.


The temporary revert of the account ID removal change has happened (in prod), and SSL For Free seems to be working normally again. Hopefully they will respond soon with a fix.


To those who were affected by this event, you will be able to attempt issuance again in ~3 hours per

You can create a maximum of 10 Accounts per IP Address per 3 hours. You can create a maximum of 500 Accounts per IP Range within an IPv6 /48 per 3 hours. Hitting either account rate limit is very rare, and we recommend that large integrators prefer a design using one account for many customers.

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@sjdfnldas I see from old posts that you are the author of SSL For Free. Could you check the update from ACME v2 - Scheduled removal of ID from account objects and update the site so it works with those changes? We plan to turn them back on in about a week.

Compatibility with the change at ACME v2 - Scheduled removal of ID from account objects has now been completed


We’ve redeployed the “removal of ID from account objects” change. SSL For Free seems to be working well with the changes now. Thanks @sjdfnldas!

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