I’ve seen a bunch of threads about SSL For Free users hitting rate limits. I tested the site myself, and it seems to get caught in a reload loop, where each reload creates a new account, eventually hitting the rate limit.
I suspect this may be a bug in SSL For Free triggered by our rollout of ACME v2 - Scheduled removal of ID from account objects on Thursday. We’re going to revert that change temporarily. I’ve also emailed SSL For Free informing them of the problem and requesting a fix.
The temporary revert of the account ID removal change has happened (in prod), and SSL For Free seems to be working normally again. Hopefully they will respond soon with a fix.
You can create a maximum of 10 Accounts per IP Address per 3 hours. You can create a maximum of 500 Accounts per IP Range within an IPv6 /48 per 3 hours. Hitting either account rate limit is very rare, and we recommend that large integrators prefer a design using one account for many customers.
@sjdfnldas I see from old posts that you are the author of SSL For Free. Could you check the update from ACME v2 - Scheduled removal of ID from account objects and update the site so it works with those changes? We plan to turn them back on in about a week.