My certificate is not vallid

My domain is: &

We have had these for many years, but last Sunday they just stopped working.
My engineer has left the company, and I am looking for a new one.
Can anyone help me sort this out?

This is creating big problems for my business!!!

Please don't remove questions from the questionnaire. It usually only makes it harder for us to help you and often people do not realise some questions they've removed might be helpful in their situation.

Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g. |, so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.

My domain is: &

I ran this command:

It produced this output:

My web server is (include version):

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):

My hosting provider, if applicable, is:

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know):

I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):

The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you're using Certbot):

I assume you're having trouble with the From I can see a certificate for that hostname that expired the 15th: | Some other certificates did renew, but for some reason some didn't.

I also see there's much that can be improved. E.g., it looks like many of those hostnames can be embedded in just a single certificate.

However, because you've removed almost all questions from the questionnaire, we're lacking information (e.g., about the ACME client or control panel being used), so currently there's no advice I can give you.

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However, I am not an engineer I am CEO.

I do not understand any of this

IS it possible for you to help me anyway?

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It would be very hard if not impossible to help you with at least some basic tech/IT info. Such as how the webserver is being managed. We're just volunteers here on this Community and I for one am most likely not able to guide you from zero information to a solution. And probably not willing due to the huge amount of effort it probably would require. If you're not even able to mention how your website is being managed, well, there probably is nothing we can do.

Let's Encrypt is fully automated. It's not like you can be send a certificate through email or something like that. And even if that was possible, it would need to be installed into the webserver.

If you really require a quick solution, you need to pay a professional to do it for you.

Note that Let's Encrypt advises clients to start renewing their certificates 30 days before the expiry date, so in the case of that would be somewhere in the middle of August. And it sends 2 expiry emails (on a best effort basis), one about 20 days and one about 9 days before expiry. The fact the certificate already expired currently should NOT have come as a surprise.

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I understand.
But it must be a quite simple issue,
If it has been working perfect för many ears...
Without us having to do anything???

Yes, that's the idea about the automation behind Let's Encrypt: just set it up once and usually forget about it.

However, a lot of things, some simple indeed, some more difficult, can interfer with the process. It could have happened at any time after the last certificate was issued, so 3 months time. Usually a small change in that time window is already forgotten when renewal seems to be defunct.

Unfortunately, without a crystal ball or someone with at least a minimum amount of technological information about the situation, it's not possible or nearly impossible to remotely debug this.

Maybe someone comes along who has a genius idea, but usually it's required for you to be able to login to the configuration environment (panel or remote login) of

Oky many thanks,
I meet with one person who might be able to give you what you need.
We are more than happy to pay you for all work you do for us. No
proböem, we can pay in advance :pray:

Most if not almost all volunteers here are not for hire. However, I do know @schoen has offered his professional services in the past.

Great, thanks..

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An other alternative could be
, the web agency that made your current site.

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Thanks! they manage our website.

But we also have an app…

Sorry @tobbe123 this forum is really aimed at providing technical help to people who are already system administrators. You should seek technical help from a local consultancy.


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