[Moderator’s note: Heroku recently announced automatic integration with Let’s Encrypt]
I’m really new on using SSL certificates, and I don’t have much experience on it. If possible, can anyone help me or explain me if it’s possible to use Let’s Encrypt with Heroku, and how?
However, http-01 is not in there. I’m just trying to solve a problem. I don’t feel like I need to learn how everything in the internet works to minute detail to solve my problem; Particularly when there are domain experts (i.e. you).
Saying rtfm is all fine & good, however sometimes you need to wtfm in a sufficient way first. Good thing we have a technology called search engines, which will help the next person who is attempting the same thing I am. That person can reference this topic!
I did what I thought was appropriate research before asking.
Note that I had to deploy a file in <webroot>/.well-known/acme-challenge/<filename-given-by-command> with the contents specified by the interactive letsencrypt-auto command.
Note that <your-domain> is specified in the letsencrypt-auto command.
In case you are interested in streamlining your UX, the url currently must be http. I had a http -> https redirect that I needed to temporarily disable to make this process work.
Since I did work in documenting how to make letsencrypt work with heroku, please add me to your list of contributers
@riking@btakita - [nuked previous / useless edits]
Okay - so it looks like running manual does in fact give me this interactive prompt. I should be able to do the deploy and force my webserver to return a string, for that path, to pass the challenge.
The webroot method as outlined here ( Using the webroot domain verification method ) doesn’t have an interactive component though. Doesn’t seem to be a way to pause the thing until I can do the deploy.
Edit 3: Okay, so I think I can get it working fine with -manual! Wheee! Now, still have that remaining question about working with -webroot which ya’ll mentioned allows for autorenewal and is easier to manage…
The webroot method does substantially the same thing as the manual method, but it does it automatically: it creates the file for you so you don’t have to create it yourself. You have to tell it (with -w) where on your system it can create files that the existing webserver will serve.