Let’s Encrypt with CrazyDomains

Hi I am trying to use Let’s Encrypt with my hosting provider Crazy domains. They told me that I won’t have access to use CertBot but that they can assist with installing an SSL certificate.

Unfortunately while I’m fairy techy, this is a bit above me and they asked for me to provide the following but I don’t believe that’s really going to help. Won’t I need some way to auto-renew the certificates?

Crazy Domains said the following below. Wondering how you think the best way to reply would be to get Let’s Encrypt working with them:

Just kindly send us the certificate details (SSL Certificate, Private Key and CA bundle) to proceed with the installation.

My domain is: www.harbourside.org

The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): “Linux” (that’s all my hosting provider told me)

My hosting provider, if applicable, is: CrazyDomains.com.au

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): I don’t believe so

If your host doesn’t directly support Let’s Encrypt, then it probably isn’t the best solution for you. If there isn’t a way for you to directly upload a new certificate, then it definitely isn’t the best solution for you–Let’s Encrypt certs are only valid for 90 days, so you’d need to manually obtain a new one, and then open a support ticket to install it, at least every 90 days. This really isn’t going to be practical.

To obtain a cert, you’re going to need to use client software of some sort, and either put a challenge file on your web server or set a DNS TXT record. You can use client software installed on a computer under your control, or a web-based client like zerossl.com. But again, if your host doesn’t directly support Let’s Encrypt, you’re probably better off with either a different host or a different CA.

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Don’t you have some kind of web panel to configure your site?

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