First time for me. Trying to figure it out.
At my hosting provider a Let’s Encrypt certificate can only be used by manually uploading it. In their form I am asked to add the Private Key, Certificate and Intermediate Certificate.
How can I get this Key etc for the form? What do I upload and to where?
Do I use Certbot and can I install it on a win10 pc?
My domain is: www.lindsdal.nu
My web server is (include version): Apache?
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Ubuntu?
My hosting provider, if applicable, is: www.ilait.com
I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): No
/ Peter
Thanks for your reply!
I know it's a bad setup. My provider will get automatic renewal of Let's Encrypt this year they say.
Can't find where to download. Unfortunately, I can't even figure out where to start. I feel very stupid so I think there is something obvious I miss.
I visit https://certbot.eff.org/ and think I should fill in Apache and Ubuntu 18.04, but what do I do then. Expected an installation file to download.
/ Peter
Thanks Juergen!
I have managed to write certbot --help in cmd.exe and seen that it works. What do I write then? Can you guide me? Do I need to create an ACME account maybe?
/ Peter
Do you think the command certbot certonly -d www.DOMAINse, -d DOMAIN.se is correct or maybe certbot certonly --apache -d www.DOMAINse, -d DOMAIN.se, or certbot certonly --standalone -d www.DOMAINse, -d DOMAIN.se?