Hosting without support and some possible way of installation

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Good evening, I am writing you because i would like to use Let’s Encrypt in my website with IXWebHosting but they tell me that they can’t give me support and also that I can’t use any of the ways explained in (neither using the manual way with Certbot). They tell me I only can install Let’s Encrypt if I use the following steps:


Abraham, from our side the steps to install SSL certificate are:

  1. Open this link , log-in if necessary;
  2. Click “Manage” button near your hosting plan;
  3. Click “SSL” icon;
  4. Click “Import SSL certificate”;
  5. Click “Submit” button.

This installation will require and files. The first file in pair with can be provided by us. The second one( should be generated by SSL vendor using the files provided by us.

So, what I may recommend is to contact “Let’s Encrypt” and ask if it is possible to install their SSL certificate on the following way. If their certificate can’t be installed on the following way, unfortunately, it can’t be used on our hosting.


Have I possibilities to enjoy Let’s Encrypt in this hosting account? :frowning:

Thank you in advance!!

Kind regards,

Hi @abgago_2000,

It is possible to get a certificate without being able to install software on the server side. The inconvenient thing that you should be aware of is that the certificate lasts only for 90 days, and you’ll have to repeat the process of obtaining and installing it every time that it’s due to expire. Assuming it requires some manual steps, those steps will have to be repeated every time. That is possibly frustrating (or easy to forget to do) compared to cases where you can install software on the server that can take these steps automatically.

Depending on your operating system and your level of experience with system administration and certificates, you can install client software on your personal computer and use it in a “manual” mode (where you have to make certain changes to your web site at requested times to prove that you control the domain). Or you can use a web-based client which will walk you through this process inside of a web page.

Your main web-based client options are and

The last step in the process would be an option to download and save the files that your hosting provider is expecting.

See also List of Client Implementations for other software options that you might be able to download and run on your own computer.

To use the ZeroSSL web-based client, you should be able to adapt the instructions given in my post in another thread: Simple and Clear Directions
I think that using certbot in manual mode on you local machine is likely to be less hassle than the web-based version.
Also, check with your host and see if you can upload the needed files with FTP. If so, try using the GetSSL script to automate the process for renewals.

These are plausible suggestions, but depend a lot on the user's desktop operating system and technical background.

If you do this, please ask for SFTP by name. If there are still hosts using traditional FTP, it shouldn't be used for uploading encryption keys!

Oops! Two good points. Use SFTP so much that I keep forgetting that FTP, without the “S” exists. On the first point, though I should have been clearer, I meant the mention of certbot as a general idea - using a local machine client over a web-based version. Within this forum there are references to and lists of a plethora of clients for various OS’s, and whatever their experience level and OS I imagine anyone can find the set of tools that works best for them. When all else fails, if a user can’t find/create a working combination for their situation, a question in the forum will help find the answer - and document it for others that follow as well.

Hi schoen and gypsypriest,

I have use the and I installed Let’s Encrypt sucessfully in my domain.

I’m very grateful for your help.

Kind regards,

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