I’m on shared and won’t be getting VPS till late 2016 to early 2017 after my contract has ended. I don’t have access to the root of the server and so SSL has to be installed by the hosting company.
I’m pretty low tech guy regarding this, It’s new for me to have SSL certificate going.
I have the CSR code readying to be added. I need to know what can be done or can this be done? I have read and got information on the Documents on installing it, even that I’m completely lost.
I’m assuming your hosting company is willing to install the certificate for you, otherwise all would be for nothing.
It’s perfectly possible to get a certificate without root. The only thing Let’s Encrypt really requires is proof of ownership of the domain in question. But that shouldn’t be a problem, because at least one would have (S)FTP access or something to the webroot of his or her site.
You could even use a site like GetHTTPSForFree. You already have a CSR, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Furthermore, the site requires you to issue some other OpenSSL commands for account key generation and the sorts.
Also, if you do have SSH access (but without root), you could look at List of Client Implementations for more client implementations, such as “LetsEncrypt.sh” or “GetSSL”: these use Bash (and a little bit of Perl in LetsEncrypt.shs case) and don’t require root as far as I know.