Clarification for Expiration Emails document

Could you add a clarification to the ‘Unsubscribing’ part, first paragraph, second sentence:
“f you hit that link, you won’t get any expiration notices for the next year.”
that would explicitly state whether unsubscribing will be done just for that one certificate or rather for the account (that may hold more certs), e.g., “… for that certificate.”
Thank you, Jacek

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Thanks for the feature request, we’ll take a look at the wording and see if we can improve it. To clarify, the unsubscribe is for that email address and prevents any expiration notices being sent to it.

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That is actually the problem. Is the unsubscribe for "that email address" or rather for "that email address and a given certificate." The email is always implied, as this is where the unsubscribe is. However, that email is connected to some account, and looks like to every cert generated (call it stable cert). Therefore, clarification needed is not about the email but cert/account.

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