Certbot bug cause "Too many registration for this IP" How to fix?


I currently had a Certbot for a long time with 2 domaine. And for some reason it gave error when renewing the certificate
←[31mAn unexpected error occurred:←[0m
←[31mpywintypes.error: (5, 'CreateDirectory', 'Access is denied.')←[0m
Please see the logfiles in C:\Certbot\log for more details.

Now after trying 3 time with the same email I get the error "Too many registration for this IP" while i was trying to fix the issue.

Is there a way to remove all registered Certificate to my IP which never got registered on my side?

Thank you

a) removing certificates isn't possible
b) your rate limit doesn't have anything to do with certificates, but with the amount of account registrations per IP per 3 hours

Please see the Rate Limits - Let's Encrypt documentation. And please use the staging environment for testing.


Alright, thank you for the information. I wasn't sure i had read that documentation properly.


It sounds like you're not running Certbot locally with appropriate permissions in order to save the account credentials that it creates when registering with the Let's Encrypt service. Unfortunately, I don't have a suggestion for the best way to do this on Windows.

However, I'd say it might help to make sure you're running as administrator, as described in (for example)


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