Too many registrations even after 3 hours waiting

Hi guys, i got this message, even i've been waiting for more than 3 hours.

There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new account :: too many registrations for this IP: see Registrations Per IP Limit - Let's Encrypt

Thanks for you help.

What is triggering the account registrations?


i'm using docker container for more than 10 domain name, each domain one container using certbot command

That is poor practice. You need to use persistent storage for the ACME accounts and the certificates.

You will run into numerous rate limits with such a strategy. And, please use the Let's Encrypt Staging system while testing.

Please see


yeah sorry didn't know that. now what should i do? for fixing in production let's encrypt server?

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You haven't provided enough info about your system to say.

Are you a skilled server administrator?

There isn't anything for you to "fix" in the production Let's Encrypt server. You have to design your system to abide by the rate limits. The Staging system is a lot more forgiving.


thank you, i'll use this

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Thank you @MikeMcQ your solution worked like a charm. This topic can be closed.


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