A little lost with certificates

I received an email which reads, “Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in 20 days (on 18 Mar 20 21:23 +0000). Please make sure to renew your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors.”

It then lists a bunch of addresses starting with: diaspora.keene.syncloud.it

And finally it tells me to come here for more information, a place I’ve never heard of but has my email and knows these web addresses.

A few years ago I bought a pre-built raspberry pi device that plugs into my router and operates as a mini home-cloud server using Syncloud or Nextcloud or whatever they currently call it. I am only minimally tech savvy, but was able to connect the device to my network and create a Nextcloud account on my PC linked to the device. Now I get this email and after reading through the forums and looking at walk-throughs, I know I’m in over my head.

Is this something that must be updated on the raspberry pi? Is there a way to do that with my windows PC? The device does not connect to the internet, it is only available on my home network. Should I even worry about this?

Complete noob with no clue

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Hi @lkj3f908u,

Thanks for joining us here to inquire about your situation. I hope we can help you out.

Does your Raspberry Pi device have some kind of administrative interface that you use to configure it? Could you go into that interface and see if it has any information about certificates? (It might also refer to either “HTTPS” or “TLS”.)

Do you access this device only from within your local network? When you access it, do you know if you access it over a secured (HTTPS) connection?

I guess that some software on your Raspberry Pi originally got you a certificate from Let’s Encrypt (which is a free and automatic process) in order to facilitate secure connections from your browser to services on the Pi. In that case, Let’s Encrypt knows about your e-mail address and domain names because this software told us in the course of asking for those certificates.

There have been several technical changes made in the past few weeks and months about how Let’s Encrypt validates and issues certificates, so it’s quite possible that the software that obtains them on your Pi is now out-of-date and incompatible with these changes in some regard. The software on the Pi might need to be upgraded somehow in order to keep requesting new certificates correctly.


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