Why my domain always 403


2018-02-19 14:49:52.683 +08:00 [INF] Domain name validation failure:app.junyunmei.com 
[type, urn:acme:error:unauthorized]
[detail, Invalid response from http://app.junyunmei.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/P_xtGusBY3HamSl7Vfyq9nHmSX5w4l1bKbv4wDZXtq8:  [status, 403]

Looks like the domain/website doesn’t have its ICP License.

This doesn’t have anything to do with Let’s Encrypt, but it will prevent you from being able to use HTTP validation to obtain a certificate.

yes, it is. I got that. thanks so much.
that’s so *** CN network manager.

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You will need to apply for a ICP license if you purchase and host your website in China mainland. However, if you are willingly to pay more, you can use hongkong servers which price will be higher but you won’t need ICP license.

Thank you.

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