Hi! I have VestaCP (0.9.8-24) on UBUNTU 18.04 with web-server Nginx + PHP-FPM. Yesterday i get LE SSL certificate for my domain drogobychyna.pp.ua. Today i want get SSL for my admin panel - VESTA CP. Hostanme of my admin panel: vps795641.ovh.net When i try get SSL - VestaCP answer: Error - Let’s Encrypt new auth status 429
Help me please, what i do wrong? Why cant get second SSL for my Vesta admin panel?
I will be grateful for any answer!
429 means you went over the rate limits.
what were you doing before it started responding 429?
Before Error 429 i many times try get a SSL certificate for domain drogobychyna.pp.ua and all attempts were unsuccessful (Err 15). After i reboot VPS-server and try again - SSL generate succesfull. And only after this i try get SSL for Vesta admin panel (vps795641.ovh.net - hostname of admin panel).
nvm, you issued 5 certificates in the last week. crt.sh | drogobychyna.pp.ua this is why you get a 429 answer.
you need to wait two days to get another one. do you have access to the certificates you issued? I guess you do, since the one you issued yesterday is currently installed and working: https://drogobychyna.pp.ua/
Yes, latest certificate now active and working correct. 5 cerificates before - was not succesfull because of VestaCP mistake. Now i want get SSL only for my Vesta admin panel. Thanks for your answers and help. I’ll wait.
I think this should help you: https://forum.vestacp.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=17353
today i tried again take ssl for hostname of my VPS (Vesta CP hostname) and get:
Error: Let’s Encrypt new auth status 429
domain: vps795641.ovh.net
i dont know, why i get this error
UPD: as OVH.NET does not belong to me, i am not really authorized to request a certificate of authenticity for a VPS-server with this name. I should use my own domain for get SSL for VESTA control panel on my VPS.
you are ratelimited. you actually have some certificates issued that you are not using: Let's Debug Toolkit
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