Support for VIRB

My wife owns the domain, which uses virb for content management and hosting. I want to get her going with LetsEncrypt Has anyone here succeeded getting VIRB to set up a an https domain using a LetsEncrypt cert?

I have moved your topic to the “Help” section, as this isn’t really a feature request directly for Let’s Encrypt.

Further more, VIRB seems to be a hosting company offering many different packages. What kind of hosting package does your wife have at VIRB? A VPS? Shared hosting? Does she use a configuration panel to manage the technical aspects of the site, for example, through cPanel?

The parent company “Media Temple” speaks about something called the “Media Temple Grid”, which seems to be some kind of control panel of their own making. Does that sound familiar? If so, there’s an article covering Let’s Encrypt:’s-encrypt-ssl However, this uses a elaborate manual process which needs to be repeated every 60 days. It seems for automated renewal of the certificate you’ll need to buy something called a “CDN & WAF” plan:

Bottom line: your webhosting company VIRB doesn’t seem to be interested in for every customer to have a secured website through the FREE certificates of Let’s Encrypt. In stead, they choose to make life hard for the customer or try to make some profit out of it.

Choose with your wallet: change webhosting company to one which has automated Let’s Encrypt certificates by default for free.


If you can’t get VIRB/MediaTemple to integrate SSL for free, I would look to another provider.

In the meantime, you could PROBABLY sign up for a free Cloudflare account and have Cloudflare and their SSL sit in front of your VIRB site.

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