I installed the certificate obtained with Crypt-LE le64.exe
My web server is Windows server 2008 R2
I use IIS 7.5 and have full control off server
I load .pfx file into IIS, set binding this sertificate to livesbook.ru and get ssl_protocol_error (this site cannot provide a secure connection).
How to fix the error?
P.S. When open certificate in IIS I see: This certificate could not be verified by tracing it
to a trusted certificate authority
Thank you very much everyone, very fast and professional answers, I am very pleased.
I tried yesterday to open livesbook from ie-11 and everything is ok. Chrome and Opera said that the site is using an unsupported protocol, and Firebird said that the site may not support tls version 1.2, the minimum possible for firebirds. I will upgrade the protocols.
Later , of course, I will update the OS, now the current work takes all the time, but the time has come)
Naturally, I will switch to Linux and Python.
Great to work with you!