SSL not working on COVID-19 statement page

We created a page to show customers what we are doing as a company about COVID-19, we now realise this page is displaying as not secure.

If we go back to the home page and every other page they are secure, but this new page is not.

My domain is:

Is this just something that is happening to combat the nefarious activity around COVID-19 or is something actually broken?


This is acually broken....
Let's Encrypt or any other CA has no way to stop you from displaying information on certain webpages. (This is part of your freedom of speech)

You have a mixed content issue:

Please fix the images and your padlock should appear again.

Thank you


All done.

Now I feel stupid for even asking!

Thanks for the awesome quick fix.

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Hi @jimboombaturf

your mixed content problem is fixed. But checking your domain your chain is duplicated -

Looks like you send cert.pem and chain.pem. Only chain.pem is required.

Share the rows of your port 443 vHost with the certificate files.

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