Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e.g., so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help.
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):linux, un-known version
My hosting provider, if applicable, is: Godaddy
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):Yes
I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): Yes
The version of my client is (e.g. output of certbot --version or certbot-auto --version if you’re using Certbot):
I have installed correctly on 4 domains, 3 show the secured lock icon in browsers. My main website (new) recently went live, its just a communication portal, I installed the SSL the same way as my other sites, and is verified cert. but this domain shows as not fully secured. I am not that experienced, however, I do suspect the reason is the file structure is different for this particular domain, as it’s files are in the “default” directory, and not like my other sites that all files have a dedicated folder (directory) Does anyone have experience with this issue and know how to correct?? Yes. I have backed up, yes I have access to cpanel quickly, yes have team viewer. kindly HELP. Thank you.
LuB, kind sir. I tried to contact my web builder, he will be out of town for over a week. And since this is urgent, I logged into word press back end that this site is built on, and installed a plugin that updates the code to https Since I have not a clue how to manually edit myself, I wish I did. The point is now, it got better, but still not fully secured. Can you please do whatever it is that you did before and pin point the code lines that might be still missing the letter s. that way at least I have it narrowed down. Thank you.
When I view page source, the only http links I find are the 2 in the comment above. But when I inspect code(different way to view HTML code) I also see a link in the footer as follows:
Thank you, at least this confirms the plugin I installed helped. Now the hunt begins on how to fix the remaining code. I so dislike being a newbie at anything. Anyway, I sincerely appreciate your help! Maybe ill look on fiverr for someone to edit the remaining lines. thanks again
href values in anchor tags are just links to another site/page. They don’t call for any insecure content to be loaded on the page, so it doesn’t matter whether they are insecure or not. The img src values DO call content, so they do matter. There’s something else pulling insecure content. First screenshot is content calls that return a 404. Second screenshot is content that is being loaded as insecure.
F12 will bring up the dev panel. Click on the Network tab & you get information on how all your content loads:
Go into your settings in WordPress & make sure the site is logged as https:// instead of http:// WordPress forms the links based on that setting.
Thanks for chiming in and providing this info. I have been at this for hours… cant figure out a fix. I did what you said and made sure I am logged into to wp back end as https, I am. Besides providing the problem, can you provide a solution? I have read so many posts, watched so many videos, that I now have a migraine. I cant locate a solution to the problem, and a how to.
I caved and purchased an SSL from godaddy. they said it will fix the mixed content. daunting and so many hours trying to fix on my own, so much time wasted. oh well. that said, on my other sites (3) lets encrypt works fine.
Jurgen is right. And when I say check the wp settings, go to settings in your wp Admin console. Where it says site URL, make sure it has https://. I can give a screenshot later. Or message me, and I can go in & help you. I do this kind of stuff for a living (support tech for a web hosting company).
Hello Zeta, thanks for the attempt, yes I checked that setting days ago. it was set as https. That said, godaddy has since resolved the problem. As I mentioned in a previous post, I gave up, I was spending many hours with no solution, and then caved and purchased an ssl from godaddy. In just a few minutes the problem was resolved after godaddy ssl install. Oddly, I use zero ssl / let’s encrypt on my other 3 websites awesomebuttons dot com and nsfwbuttons dot com and magicanswerbutton dot com and so far have not experienced any problems with those sites. possibly in the future when godaddy’s ssl expires on my website that had the issue, i’ll then give it another try.