Dear Jürgen
Our site is and we have all the time recurrent problems with certification securing the site:
I get messages like this ‘’ site is not secure’’, or ‘‘your connection is not private’’, from Safari and other browsers. The site administration gives me all is good and secure…
Often it reads that the name of the certificate and the name of the site are not the same.
Your certificate covers, but not Google Chrome treats these as the same name for certificate purposes, but all other browsers don’t, so both names should be included in the certificate if anyone is meant to (or likely to) access the site using the www form. Whatever method you use to obtain the certificate should allow you to list both names in one certificate.
Thank you very much. Do I have to do something now, to avoid these problems?
Basically there are clients visiting the site and get this kind of messages, which makes them very insecure towards our site and our credibility.
Dear Jürgen
That’s a miracle…How can I double check this info on the admin page/console, as it mentions that for the encryption there’s no preference (you have like 3 possibilities - www. and - none
The dot is on - none, but I can’t access the changes…
Thank you all soooo much for your time and assistance…