Request for support to get the SSL Certificate

Hi @Benedict1,

Let's Encrypt certificates are free of charge and available to anyone who has a domain name. Let's Encrypt has already issued around 700 million free certificates to people all over the world.

The certificates are not issued by or with the help of a person; they're issued automatically by machine. They have to be requested using appropriate software running on the user's web server. Instead of contacting a human Let's Encrypt staff member, the software contacts the Let's Encrypt service and requests the certificate automatically—one machine talking to another.

In this case the most important question is how the site is hosted. Many hosting providers automatically support Let's Encrypt and can request the certificate for you.

If you're using a VPS or dedicated server, where you are the server administrator, then you can obtain the certificate using a Let's Encrypt client application (that you install on the web server yourself).

These are the main ways of getting a certificate from Let's Encrypt. If you have web hosting that doesn't support Let's Encrypt, and it's not VPS or dedicated server hosting, the easiest option would be to switch to a different hosting provider that does support it.

Please also refer to these pages for more information about how Let's Encrypt works: