Publicsuffix pull request help

In few month ago, I posted Limitation of .jp TLD suffix

A person taught me kindfully that I can send GitHub PR to publicsuffix. But the owner of publicsuffix said:

That request does not comply with our guidelines

So disco-v8 who is administrator of sent request to the form (as mentioned in the GitHub PR) in few weeks ago, but there are no replies, no response, and nothing changed about limitation.

What is right way to avoid limitation?

I am not sure if it is the reason for your domain not being processed yet, but the PR still lacks the correction to the #3 item I warned you about in February:


Thanks for your reply! Now I commented to the PR.

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@_az, maybe when you’re all done with letsdebug you could write a psl-lint tool? :slight_smile:

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Looks nice. And it should run on travis CI.

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