@cpu please update the PSL from the latest publicsuffix-go version.
GitHub - weppos/publicsuffix-go: Domain name parser for Go based on the Public Suffix List. didn't have release for last year but last master commit:5 days ago, but it was all autopulls from main publicsuffix by a script. should someone else touch him to make a release or take the project? @lestaff
@orangepizza The PSL doesn't really work with releases AFAIK, Boulder uses the list from a certain date by pulling in a certain commit (indirectly from a local fork I believe).
The project is very much alive, so no need to replace weppos
See a currently approved but waiting PR for the PSL @ Boulder:
Seems that Go can include deps with tags+timestamp+commit in stead of releases.
In any case, that PR would include the latest commit, so just wait until it's merged and becomes active.
I recommend you open a Github issue on Boulder, like this one, with your request.
As an aside, I'm the wrong person to tag
Once staff, always staff - there's no way to escape
but we love that you still respond! You are so awesome.
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