Does anyone know when the next PSL update pull request will be?
The last Public Suffix List update was the 19 April:
And that changed reach production the 26:
Does it include the domain you expected?
Sadly, no it did not include the domain I expected.
Does already contains the domains you are looking for? if/when so, you can make a pull requests to or you may asks @cpu
Yes it appears to be on the list in publicsuffix-go.
I’ll try to fit a PSL update into this week. I’ll keep this thread updated with my progress. Thanks @cole, @tdelmas
Thank you for the help!
I have a PR out for review: Godeps: Update `weppos/publicsuffix-go` to 67ec7c1. by cpu · Pull Request #3717 · letsencrypt/boulder · GitHub
Assuming its merged in the next few days and (edit: PR is merged) nothing unusual happens in our deploy schedule it will be active in production for Thursday May 24th.
Hi again @cole,
Production has been updated with the Boulder version that includes the updated PSL. You should be all set.
Thanks again for the help!
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