My site is continuously unreachable

Hi. I'm not a programer, my website has this certificate with UOL HOST Brazil. I cannot make any adjustments. But my site is continuously unreachable. Can you help? My domain is

Thanks in advance.


Hi @SergioGoncalves, welcome to the LE community forum :slight_smile:

The problem you describe doesn't sound like it would be related to anything this forum can address.
Less to say that it is likely Internet related or something your hosting company should address.

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Hi. I'm not a programer, my website has this certificate with UOL HOST Brazil. I cannot make any adjustments. But my site is continuously unreachable. Can you help? My domain is

Should I remove the certificate? Google says my website is unsecure.

Thanks in advance.


And your cert is from DigiCert Inc...
Best to try contacting your host and ask for them to open port 443.


It seems this is really not an Issue with LetsEncrypt and it out of scope for this forum.


Thank you for the support and understanding. Best regards from Brazil.

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