Lets encrypt sends mail to refresh certs while this is already done


Got a question about the lets encrypt mail that's being send when certs are due to renewal. I'm getting the following message:

"Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in 20 days (on 01 Jun 20 17:18 +0000). Please make sure to renew your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors"

This message is sent yesterday (12 may 2020). Let's encrypt mentions this affects all my domains (24). But when checking the current status of my certificates they are already renewed at 5 may and valid till august (checked with quallys SSL labs).

I also ran certbot-auto renew to be sure but it responds with "no certs are due for renewal"

Why am I getting this message while all certificates are already renewed a week ago?

Expiration Emails - Let's Encrypt offers a possible explanation:

If you’ve issued a new certificate that adds or removes a name relative to your old certificate, you will get expiration email about your old certificate

There are plans to improve this behavior, but for now, you can just ignore this email (assuming the above explanation applies).

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Thanks for checking. I’ve not added or removed any names. Nothing has changed when getting the certificates for the first time. Funny thing is these domains are running on 4 seperate machines. So every machine gives the same message apparently.

Hi @Biggydeen

then share your domain name.

penke.nl for example.

The 24 domain names are also on 4 different servers. So apparently all servers have the same “issue”. But since I did the same configuration of certbot on all servers that can be expected.

The mail is expected - see https://check-your-website.server-daten.de/?q=penke.nl#ct-logs

Issuer not before not after Domain names LE-Duplicate next LE
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2020-05-06 2020-08-04 financieelonafhankelijkworden.nl, hjwebdevelopment.nl, onlinemarketingblogs.nl, penke.nl, penkedata.com, www.financieelonafhankelijkworden.nl, www.hjwebdevelopment.nl, www.onlinemarketingblogs.nl, www.penke.nl, www.penkedata.com, www.zoekalleproducten.nl, zoekalleproducten.nl - 12 entries duplicate nr. 1
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2020-03-07 2020-06-05 financieelonafhankelijkworden.nl, hjwebdevelopment.nl, onlinemarketingblogs.nl, penke.nl, penkedata.com, www.financieelonafhankelijkworden.nl, www.hjwebdevelopment.nl, www.onlinemarketingblogs.nl, www.penke.nl, www.penkedata.com, www.zoekalleproducten.nl, zoekalleproducten.nl - 12 entries
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2020-03-03 2020-06-01 dagaanbiedingen-overzicht.nl, deals.hjwebdevelopment.nl, harmjanbosscher.nl, hjtoolbox.com, hjwebdevelopment.nl, manager.hjwebdevelopment.nl, onlinemarketingblogs.nl, penke.nl, vrijevakantiehuizen.nl, www.dagaanbiedingen-overzicht.nl, www.deals.hjwebdevelopment.nl, www.harmjanbosscher.nl, www.hjtoolbox.com, www.hjwebdevelopment.nl, www.onlinemarketingblogs.nl, www.penke.nl, www.vrijevakantiehuizen.nl, www.zoekalleaanbiedingen.nl, www.zoekalleproducten.nl, www.zoekallevakanties.nl, zoekalleaanbiedingen.nl, zoekalleproducten.nl, zoekallevakanties.nl - 23 entries

You have a certificate with 23 domain names, ending 2020-06-01. Now you have and use a certificate with 12 domain names. So the 23-certificate isn't renewed -> that's the mail.

The former server hosting all these domains is deleted. But the cert for these domains was still active. That makes sense.

Thanks for the help!


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