Let's encrypt problem


I have problem. I created a new site: https://websteady.pl/ and my hosting provider said that my ssl certificate will generate automatically. How long it should takes? Because i am waiting for about 24h and nothing has changed. When i click information i get information about ssl but not my domain: websteady.pl but subdomain websteady.pl.michalpuk23.smarthost.pl

They said that i need to wait. Is that true?


Hi @michal

that's a Comodo / cPanel certificate, not a Letsencrypt certificate.

Perhaps you should ask in a cPanel forum.

PS: Your domain has that certificate - https://check-your-website.server-daten.de/?q=websteady.pl

expires in 87 days	websteady.pl.michalpuk23.smarthost.pl, 
www.websteady.pl.michalpuk23.smarthost.pl - 2 entries

But I have no idea how that should work. It's not a Letsencrypt certificate.

And you have some older certificates:

Issuer not before not after Domain names LE-Duplicate next LE
Let's Encrypt Authority X3 2018-09-25 2018-12-24 websteady.pl, www.websteady.pl
2 entries
cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority 2018-07-28 2018-10-27 autodiscover.websteady.pl, cpanel.websteady.pl, mail.websteady.pl, webdisk.websteady.pl, webmail.websteady.pl, websteady.pl, websteady.websteady.smarthost.pl, www.websteady.pl, www.websteady.websteady.smarthost.pl
9 entries

But 2018-09-25 is very old, no newer certificate.

So ask your hoster.

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