My domain is:
My web server is (include version): Digital Ocean PHP + Laravel Forge.
Forge has done all of the setup and SSL renewals
After using the Forge SSL install process here (super simple):
I got an email mentioning that the auto-renewal will break on the 13th with this message:
Action is required to prevent your Let’s Encrypt certificate renewals from breaking.
Your Let’s Encrypt client used ACME TLS-SNI-01 domain validation to issue a certificate in the past 60 days.
TLS-SNI-01 validation is reaching end-of-life and will stop working on February 13th, 2019.
You need to update your ACME client to use an alternative validation method (HTTP-01, DNS-01 or TLS-ALPN-01) before this date or your certificate renewals will break and existing certificates will start to expire.
Are there any configurations I need to make in Digital Ocean or Forge to fix the auto-renewal? Or has this feature been removed from Forge for now?
FYI: the SSL is working properly for now.