Failure to Renew Emails for Certs That Auto-Renewed

I have Let’s Encrypt for cPanel installed on my VPS server and the main account on there has several certs which autorenew. They are all automatically renewing just fine. However, I’m getting “FAILURE of renewal” emails and the information in them is incorrect.

This is the email (but with my own domain in place of

Automatic Let's Encrypt renewal for was attempted and failed.
This certificate expires on 2017-05-12 04:55:00 -0700 PDT.

Unable to renew certificate: The Let's Encrypt HTTP challenge failed: acme error 'urn:acme:error:unauthorized': Invalid response from "<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <script>(function(html){html.className = html.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,"

Please contact your web host for more information on how to fix this issue.

The email says that it expires on May 12, 2017. However upon checking the cert is renewed through July 12, 2017

I am getting this email for multiple add-on and sub-domains and I’m getting them every day for the past week or so. But whenever I check it’s already been renewed.

Thanks for any help you can provide. I’m pretty new to server management so my knowledge on this is pretty limited.


These messages did not come from Let’s Encrypt itself, I suspect they come from the cPanel software. Somebody here who knows cPanel might be able to help, but otherwise I suggest cPanel themselves or (if you get cPanel thrown in with the VPS service) maybe the service provider.

hi @sitesforchrist

Should have given it away :wink:

as @tialaramex said it's best to contact your webhost as they are the ones who have designed/installed the Let'sEncrypt functionality on your cPanel


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