Improve expiration notice

The most likely question someone will have is “how do I renew?” Put a link to a renewal guide before the link to the forum.


Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in 9 days (on 17 Apr 16 20:11 +0000). Please make sure to renew your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors.

For any questions or support, please visit Unfortunately, we can't provide support by email.

If you are receiving this email in error, unsubscribe at (HTTP link, we know. We're working on it!)

The Let's Encrypt Team
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Another bit of improvement: batch up expiration notices. I just got about a dozen separate emails for a bunch of subsets of my many domains, all sent a few seconds apart from each other. It’d be nicer to just have, say, a one-hour or even one-day window of all pending notifications collated by email address.

Also, I’m pretty sure all of the domains I just got notified about are set to auto-renew via Dreamhost, and probably have been renewed already.

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