I cannot generate an SSL certificate using certbot

I get the same error as Lets Debug and the same I had before. I cannot reach your website at http://paytibiamacros.duckdns.org - all I get is a timeout waiting for a response.

Your DNS entry points to
Is that the correct IP for you?

There is not much info for me to work with. I do not have any specific ideas. Perhaps someone else may have some things to try.

Some other commands to check some basic things are running:

Check nginx conf file is ok:
sudo nginx -t

Look at ports (make sure nginx is listening on correct port):
sudo netstat -pant | grep -Ei '80|443|nginx'
You may need to adjust this command for your os version. And, it is ok if nginx is not yet listening on port 443 until you have gotten certs.

You mentioned a router so make sure your port is forwarding correctly to your nginx server.

These are just some ideas - hope it helps.