I just tried to use Let’s Encrypt SSL for my site. Previously, I always use Comodo SSL to secure my site. Since this is free and I want to try it. My site is asp.net site and I’m using shared hosting provider (hostforlife.eu) which using Plesk control panel. On this Plesk control panel, there is option to use Let’s Encrypt. But, when I upload Let’s Encrypt, my site still not working with https. Is there something that I miss?
Do you mean that you used a feature in the Plesk control panel to ask it to obtain a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your site, or that you obtained one elsewhere and then uploaded it into a certificate-import feature in Plesk?
Yes, that’s correct. I installed Let’s Encrypt via Plesk control panel. New plesk control panel have this option. I have contacted their support team and they can prove that let’s encypt is working on their systems. Other clients have no problem. What did I miss?
Sorry, I have no idea! I would encourage you to continue pursuing it with the hosting provider’s support.
You can double-check that the certificate was issued by searching for it on https://crt.sh/. However, the existence of the certificate clearly does not mean that it’s in use on the web server or that people visiting the HTTP site would be redirected to the HTTPS site.