How do you renew Let's Encrypt?

This is probably a ridiculous question, but I’m learning how to run my first website and I’m having trouble figuring it out! I received the below automated email, but it doesn’t have any links to follow to renew. How do I renew the certificate?

Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in
19 days (on 28 Aug 17 18:14 +0000). Please make sure to renew
your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors.

That depends on how you got your certificate in the first place. :slightly_smiling_face:

Did you use a program (e.g. Certbot) or an online service (e.g. ZeroSSL)? Or did you use some management interface like cPanel?

Oh no. I’m lost! I had a third party company set up my site and they took care of that. I guess I’d need to reach out to them before I could move forward? Or is there a way for me to check?

There’s not any easy way to determine that aside from a lot of shots in the dark. So, let’s start from scratch (renewing and generating a new certificate are basically the same process anyway.)

Could you tell us a bit more about your setup? The questions presented when you started this thread help there. specifically things like:

Can you access your server on a command line?
Are you using a management console such as cPanel?
Who is your hosting provider?

Yes, if you can login to your system (as root/admin preferably).
If Linux based, try: find / -name certbot*
If Windows based, check control panel programs and features for added software related to certificates.

I would advocate contacting the third-party company instead if you don't have a lot of system administration experience. If they did something that's easy to repeat, it might save time and effort compared to using a new approach.

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