I am a complete Novice I have tried every way and followed all the tutorials but just cannot get my server safe
My domain is:**********.synology.me
I ran this command:*******.synology.me
It produced this output: a certificate I exported it and unzipped it got the keys
My web server is (include version):synology DS1515+
The operating system my web server runs on is (include version):Synology
I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know):yes
I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel):
I have created a certificate domain name -**********.synology.me through the certificate page I created it with lets Encrypt I exported it and unzipped the archive ,put the private key in , put the certificate key in ,
Nothing happens its still saying HTTPS not secure
Without knowing your full host/domain name it is very difficult to test and see what specifically is the problem. Your full host/domain name is already public via certificate transparency records so there’s no real need to hide it.
Unfortunately I don’t know Synology and how they deploy certificates so I can’t be an incredible help here, but I did confirm that at least externally what appears to be the default Synology-provided certificate is still being presented by the device. Were you following some sort of tutorial to get the LetsEncrypt certificate installed?
So, one thing I’ve noticed-- you don’t have port 80 open. This will cause problems with the http-01 authentication/verification method used by LetsEncrypt and may be causing some of your distress. HTTP/80 is required for that check to pass.