To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain
contain(s) the right IP address.
you could add a hint to Users might find it helpfull because it can detect issues with DNS settings.
But there was an older topic with the same idea. @schoen wrote, that there are a lot of older certbots in use.
So creating a link to a third-party tool may be a problem, if the tool isn't longer available.
But: I think there is another solution. A new topic, pinned under Help with a list of tools with annotations. Closed, with no replies. There are a lot more tools (CT-logs, Ssllabs, Sslmate, a Mozilla Cipher check etc.).
Then it's possible to check such a third-party tool and remove it, if it's not longer active.
That’s a good idea too. However, currently certbot also references third-party tools. When succesfully obtaining a certificate it references SSllabs.
The new certificate covers the following domains: ...
You should test your configuration at:
Since is part of Let’s Encrypt (if I m not mistaken) it’s not even a third party.
Maybe doing both, pinned topic + modified error message is the right way to go.
Awesome thread guys. Bunch of tools I didn’t know about.
Perhaps, if you want the thread to make the most impact, certbot should link to the thread in it’s help messages (instead of tools like,, etc.) That way help messages point to a “living” document instead of one tool. As certbot ages and ppl maybe using older versions, the help messages still point to new/current list of help tools.
Also maybe can influence other authors to point to same tools thread.