So it’s worth upgrading to 2.7 if I can? Is this something that I should run by my host before doing or is it harmless? I would rather just have one version if possible as that seems simple.
A virtual environment for my certbot huh… that is a little martian to me
Is it like running a VM on Windows?
Will it cause problems if i don’t use a virtual environment?
I’d think a much simpler answer would be to use one of the alternative clients like dehydrated or They won’t require installing any additional software (other than the scripts themselves), which keeps things quite a bit simpler. The possible downside is that you’ll have to manually make whatever configuration changes are necessary to implement the certificates, though you’d only need to do that once.
I’ve had a look at and it seems good. I think first I’ll try and install Certbot, and if that goes awry I’ll possibly turn to
My host let me know they’ve installed Let’s Encrypt on the server, and said I should be able to try a direct certbot request for the SSL certificates. Does that mean I can skip installing Certbot?
Hmm. My host responded that they’d upgraded my site to SSL for me for no cost. I think they prefer I not use Let’s Encrypt for whatever reason. (They use AutoSSL.)
I still want to figure this out for future sites. I’ve been told I shouldn’t upgrade to Python 2.7, so I need to keep 2.6.6. Also I seem to have limited (“jailshell”) access to shell. Not sure if that affects whether or not I can install certbot.
Who told you not to upgrade to Python 2.7, and why? It’s broadly used for a long time now. Do you have applications that are only compatible with 2.6? If so, usually 2.6 and 2.7 can coexist on a system.
My host said that there was something depending on 2.6.6. Yeah, but I think setting up 2.6 and 2.7 on the same server is beyond me as I’m quite new to this.