Installing certbot

Hey, after I try to do like instruckted, thing what happens:

"sudo" is not available, will use “su” for installation steps…
Sorry, I don’t know how to bootstrap Certbot on your operating system!

You will need to bootstrap, configure virtualenv, and run pip install manually.
Please see
for more info.

I´m using cpanel with unix shell. Server information:

Palvelimen nimi whm
cPanel-versio 54.0 (build 22)
Apache-versio 2.2.31
PHP-versio 5.4.45
Arkkitehtuuri x86_64
Käyttöjärjestelmä linux

What can I do to go further with certification installing?

Thank you in advance.


Do you have root control of the server ? if so I’d suggest updating your cpanel to the latest version - which has Lets Encrypt support within it -

Do you have root access ? or just account access via SSH ?

Do you know what your operating System is ? (with more detail than “linux”)

No I don´t have root control
I just have acoount access via SSH
Is this information useful?

CLOUDLINUX 6.7 x86_64 standard – WHM 54.0 (build 22)

and here´s more:
GNU bash, versio 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)

without root access certbot isn’t likely to work for you.

One of the Bash alternate clients will work in that environment, and may be a better option for you.

With your version of cPanel, can you add an SSL certificate ? or does your hosting provider need to do that for you ?

Thank you guys :slight_smile:

I used -> zerossl and it works very smoothly :slight_smile:

I´ve got certicate for 3 months, I don´t mind it´s not possible with zerossl automatically renew certificate.

So this case is closed :wink:


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