Uptil december last year I received expiring notifications via E-Mail. But no more. What's wrong? Didn't change anything.
If you are renewing all your certs before they expire then you won't get an email.
If however they are expiring and you're not getting a notification then you should check your mail system is not rejecting the expiry notifications.
The certificate expired and it didn't tell me. I have no Spam filter active.
If you once clicked on the "unsubscribe" link in one of the expiry emails, that destination email address will be unsubscribed for a year in general. So not specifically for that certificate, no, all expiry emails addressed to that specific email address will not be send for a year. Maybe you clicked on the unsubscribe link once?
I didn't click on any links. How can I send a test Mail?
Hello. I am having the opposite problem. I keep getting emails from the bot telling me my certificates will expire when they have already been renewed. I was able to check the expiration dates with an SSL verifier and the expiration dates are correct as renewed. Why am I getting emails after renewal?
As far as I know, you can't except for purposely issue a certificate which you don't really need and wait about 70-80 days.
Please read the entire expiry email address including all documentation linked in it.
I read it. From the link info: If your certificate is already renewed, we won’t send an expiry notice. We consider a certificate to be renewed if there is a newer certificate with the exact same set of names, regardless of which account created it. I renewed all my certificates on June 25, all with the same names and have gotten 6 emails since then about expiration of one domain or another.
Can you show an example?
Is there a way to undo the unsubscribe action if one accidently clicks on the link?
Unfortunately not, but there are workarounds. Please see: Expiration Emails - Let's Encrypt
Thank you @Osiris
Oh, Wow. I'll be careful to watch out for that. Thanks @Osiris
Yeah, @Archibald & @EdeqdVRa we have to be careful or our boss will be on our backs.
Also I'll DuckDuckGo for other tools as well.
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