Certbot in wrong directory

I inadvertently put certbot into a /tmp directory and then successfully installed it without checking what the path was.

Can I move it, uninstall it or just leave it where it is?

Ubuntu 14.04LTS, Apache, setting up for two domains at the same ip address on a virtual server.

All the files like keys and certificates should be in /etc/letsencrypt regardless of the location of the program itself.

You probably used certbot-auto. As far as I can tell, it’s safe to move the files generated by the script to another location.

Thank you very much for your prompt reply Osiris.
I checked and the letsencrypt directory is in /etc as you say.
I did use certbot-auto.
If I have understood correctly it appears the path to certbot is only used again for setting up the auto-renewal of certificates so I will leave everything as-is.


Yes you can just move the files or better yet just clone a fresh copy

sudo git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot /opt/certbot


Why does everybody clone the entire git repo?

You’ll end up with 99.9 % files which aren’t used if you’re just gonna use certbot-auto anyway. Just download that script and it’ll take care of the rest:

wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto
chmod a+x certbot-auto
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That’s the way I learned to do it when I first got started. It’s only 16Mb in size so not really an issue for most people. But thanks for the update to just getting the one script needed.

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