Certbot 3.2.0 release

Hey all, Certbot 3.2.0 has just been released. Here's the changelog:


  • certbot-nginx now requires pyparsing>=2.4.7.
  • certbot and its acme library now require cryptography>=43.0.0.
  • certbot-nginx and our acme library now require pyOpenSSL>=25.0.0.
  • Deprecated gen_ss_cert in acme.crypto_util as it uses deprecated
    pyOpenSSL API.
  • Add make_self_signed_cert to acme.crypto_util to replace `gen_ss_cert.
  • Directory hooks are now run on all commands by default, not just renew
  • Help output now shows False as default when it can be set via cli.ini instead of None
  • Changed terms of service agreement text to have a newline after the TOS link
  • certbot-cloudflare-dns is now pinned to version 2.19 of Cloudflare's python library
  • Removed support for Linode API v3 which was sunset at the end of July 203.


  • Private keys are now saved in PKCS#8 format instead of PKCS#1. Using PKCS#1
    was a regression introduced in Certbot 3.1.0.
  • Allow nginx plugin to parse non-breaking spaces in nginx configuration files.
  • Honor --reuse-key when --allow-subset-of-names is set
  • Fixed regression in symlink parsing on Windows that was introduced in Certbot
  • When adding ssl listen directives in nginx server blocks, IP addresses are now
  • Nginx configurations can now have the http block in files other than the root (nginx.conf)

More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.


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