Certbot 0.40.0 Release

Certbot 0.40.0 has just been released. The changelog for the release is:

0.40.0 - 2019-11-05


  • We deprecated support for Python 3.4 in Certbot and its ACME library. Support
    for Python 3.4 will be removed in the next major release of Certbot.
    certbot-auto users on RHEL 6 based systems will be asked to enable Software
    Collections (SCL) repository so Python 3.6 can be installed. certbot-auto can
    enable the SCL repo for you on CentOS 6 while users on other RHEL 6 based
    systems will be asked to do this manually.
  • --server may now be combined with --dry-run. Certbot will, as before, use the
    staging server instead of the live server when --dry-run is used.
  • --dry-run now requests fresh authorizations every time, fixing the issue
    where it was prone to falsely reporting success.
  • Updated certbot-dns-google to depend on newer versions of
    google-api-python-client and oauth2client.
  • The OS detection logic again uses distro library for Linux OSes
  • certbot.plugins.common.TLSSNI01 has been deprecated and will be removed in a
    future release.
  • CLI flags --tls-sni-01-port and --tls-sni-01-address have been removed.
  • The values tls-sni and tls-sni-01 for the --preferred-challenges flag are no
    longer accepted.
  • Removed the flags: --agree-dev-preview, --dialog, and --apache-init-script
  • acme.standalone.BaseRequestHandlerWithLogging and
    acme.standalone.simple_tls_sni_01_server have been deprecated and will be
    removed in a future release of the library.

More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.


Out of curiosity, how does this work under the hood? Like, is there a way to ask Boulder not to use cached authorizations? Or is it just creating a new account?

Never mind. Figured it out from looking at the PR. Didn’t realize it was possible to explicitly deactivate authorizations.


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