Announcing Certbot 1.0

The Certbot team is excited to announce the release of Certbot 1.0.

The changelog entry for the release is:

1.0.0 - 2019-12-03


  • The docs extras for the certbot-apache and certbot-nginx packages
    have been removed.


  • certbot-auto has deprecated support for systems using OpenSSL 1.0.1 that are
    not running on x86-64. This primarily affects RHEL 6 based systems.
  • Certbot’s config_changes subcommand has been removed
  • certbot.plugins.common.TLSSNI01 has been removed.
  • Deprecated attributes related to the TLS-SNI-01 challenge in
    acme.challenges and acme.standalone
    have been removed.
  • The functions certbot.client.view_config_changes,
    certbot.reverter.Reverter.view_config_changes, and
    certbot.util.get_systemd_os_info have been removed
  • Certbot’s register --update-registration subcommand has been removed
  • When possible, default to automatically configuring the webserver so all requests
    redirect to secure HTTPS access. This is mostly relevant when running Certbot
    in non-interactive mode. Previously, the default was to not redirect all requests.

More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.


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