Wrong GitHub Boulder comparison from https://letsencrypt.status.io


the latest status update from:
says that they update the Boulder from the same to the same commit. I think that this is a mistake. Anybody here where knows what commit the Boulder is running?

Description We will be updating Boulder to +e2517a7. Changelog is github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/compare/e2517a7...e2517a7. This will be applied as a rolling restart. No downtime is expected.

You can get the active build version of Boulder by surfing to: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/build

Boulder=( +e2517a7 Tue May 17 09:39:04 UTC 2016)

I mean the code comparison

Here ist the correct URL:

That's probably the right URL indeed. But you also asked:

So I answered :wink:

Thanks for pointing it out! We’ll take a look at our process and fix it so we produce correct changelog URLs again.

@alnutile I meant at the time I posted it the current running version :slight_smile:

@jsha no problem :slight_smile:

Booth thanks for reading and your help and understanding

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