This site can’t provide a secure connection
DOMAIN uses an unsupported protocol.
I think that I set everything up properly, but I can’t tell if I missed something. My site is a wordpress site and the AMI it is on is bitnami-wordpress-4.8.1-0-linux-ubuntu-14.04-x86_64-hvm-ebs-mp-7d426cb7-9522-4dd7-a56b-55dd8cc1c8d0-ami-b0efcccb.4 (ami-844daafe).
I just noticed that you’re behind the CloudFlare CDN! Did you realize that and did you intend that?
Let’s Encrypt certificates aren’t ever visible to the public when used by CloudFlare customers (unless you have a very expensive CloudFlare plan). There’s no security benefit to using a Let’s Encrypt certificate behind CloudFlare compared to the CloudFlare origin CA.
The Let’s Encrypt setup process, if done wrong, could still be interfering with your site’s availability, so we can still try to debug it… but it might not end up giving you any particular benefit overall.