What's the difference between 'leader' and 'community leader'?

Some users have these titles.. but it's not really clear what the difference is.

(Just posting in case anyone on the team thinks it might be worth adjusting/amalgamating).

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They are not equal.
"community leader" has a few more... privileges then "leader".


Ah right! It might just be how it appears to me, but 'Leader' seems above 'Community Leader' since adding a prefix suggests a more limited scope. That's just how it comes across to me - others might have a different opinion...

Well, there's nothing bigger than the Community on this community, except for the users with a Let's Encrypt staff label :slight_smile: Who transcend the Community.

By the way, I'm not sure there actually is a difference between the "Leader" and "Community leader", except cosmetic.

If you look at Understanding Discourse Trust Levels there's just a single trust level between "Regular" and moderators, which is the "Leader".


@Osiris, what are your options to select under the Title pulldown menu on your settings page https://community.letsencrypt.org/u/Osiris/preferences/account ?

  • "(None)"
  • "Leader"
  • "Regular"

The current value of "Community leader" is not selectable. Probably comes back in the list if I'd select a different one, but I'm not gonna try it out :laughing:


Indeed, very high risk. I have the option "Regular" offered to select, even I already selected it and shown as active title.


To put it succinctly, there is no technical/operational/permissional difference between "Community leader" and "Leader" per the Discourse platform. The next "level" above "Leader" per Discourse is "Elder", which has no implementation yet as I understand it. While Discourse has no notion of "Community leader", the staff of Let's Encrypt chose to bestow that title upon certain members when promoting them to the "Leader" trust level. As to the distinction in the eyes of Let's Encrypt staff, that is their prerogative. In my own view only, I suspect that this is a matter of practice and semantics. I have considered bringing this topic up myself with staff before purely for cohesion, but I've always thought that they probably have bigger fish to fry.


Technically no difference. If a "community leader" edits his/her profile and makes a change to the "title" and then changes it back only Leader is available. In my case I was looking for "Cheer Leader", but it also wasn't available.
So It is what it is. ;@)


I think the difference between them is largely due to who at ISRG/LE elevated the account and when. I think some staff liked using the "Community Leader" title, and others liked "Leader". Then we have the "Regular" people.

As someone with the "Community Leader" title, I don't know of any meaningful distinctions in experience, understanding or quality between people with these titles... or many of the regulars who do not have any title yet. There are far too many well informed and highly capable contributors here to keep track of everyone!


I desire to be “Irregular” :slight_smile:


And so you are :grin:


Yes; but not in the sense of needing more dietary fiber. :slight_smile:


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