WARNING - TTL is not 1 Second. Change the TTL to 1 second. Contact your DNS provider if unsure

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help me with this? I am with 1and1 Ionos and trying to install the LE SSL. It won’t let me do it through there version of Cpanel so i am attempting to do a manual install through DNS.

This is the details i am getting through SSLforfree website https://prnt.sc/mndmzz
and i am inputting them in correctly into my create DNS record section as you can see here https://prnt.sc/mndn5q

The only problem is, sslforfree specify that i need to change the TTL to 1 second, sadly 1and1 ionos only goe’s as low as 1 minute?

This is the result i am getting when i finish, and i have waited for some time now to let it propagate https://prnt.sc/mndmsn

My domain is: www.metabolismbooster.online

I can’t change the TTL in the sslforfree page and my DNS only goe’s as low as 1 minute, not 1 second? Also, the screenshot is saying records found. Can i still add the SSL or will this mess it all up?

Any help with this would be freally apreciated?

Hi @iannai69

this is only an information. You can ignore that.

And your entries are looking ok

Two correct entries, not the typical wrong entries (via https://check-your-website.server-daten.de/?q=metabolismbooster.online ).

PS: The entries are public, Letsencrypt must check these.

Hi, thanks @JuergenAuer for replying. Excuse my ignorance but all that information is a little beyond my technical knowledge.

does this mean i can go ahead and create the SSL?

Obviously, i didn't want to mess this up with big Red warning letters across my screen and also didn't want to create an SSL that wouldn't work?

with thanks!

Yes, make the next step.

If these are the two entries you have created, my tool sees them - and Letsencrypt sees them.

So Letsencrypt can validate you are the domain owner.

One minute TTL is ok, 1 second is a little bit too short.

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Ok, that’s brilliant @JuergenAuer, thank you very much for the extremely quick help! One thing i did just notice on LE site is that 1and1 ionos don’t support LE so i think i will have to find a workaround here now as there cpanel is also very different but thank you again!!


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