Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help me with this? I am with 1and1 Ionos and trying to install the LE SSL. It won’t let me do it through there version of Cpanel so i am attempting to do a manual install through DNS.
This is the details i am getting through SSLforfree website https://prnt.sc/mndmzz
and i am inputting them in correctly into my create DNS record section as you can see here https://prnt.sc/mndn5q
The only problem is, sslforfree specify that i need to change the TTL to 1 second, sadly 1and1 ionos only goe’s as low as 1 minute?
This is the result i am getting when i finish, and i have waited for some time now to let it propagate https://prnt.sc/mndmsn
My domain is: www.metabolismbooster.online
I can’t change the TTL in the sslforfree page and my DNS only goe’s as low as 1 minute, not 1 second? Also, the screenshot is saying records found. Can i still add the SSL or will this mess it all up?
Ok, that’s brilliant @JuergenAuer, thank you very much for the extremely quick help! One thing i did just notice on LE site is that 1and1 ionos don’t support LE so i think i will have to find a workaround here now as there cpanel is also very different but thank you again!!